

talking shop

I was interviewed by Vince Gerasole on Thursday for the Channel 2 CBS News. He said that it will be airing in a week or two on the Sunday evening news at 10. I'm supposed to find out more later. It was a good interview, talked about many a good coffee thing, and some of the other folks at the Millennium Park store and downstairs at the Roasting Works got to be on camera as well. I'm looking forward to how it turns out.

So? How did it turn out? Don't leave us hanging now.
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Still waiting to hear when it's going to air....TiVoing this Sunday's 10PM CBS2 news just in case.
Sweet. You'll have to throw it up on YouTube for us out-of-towners.
Thanks for stopping by our blog! We love Intelligentsia! So glad to see it on tv too - unfortunately I missed it? How was it?
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